Saturday 3 September 2016


The time has come to yet again stare into the sky in wonder... whilst of course frantically trying to avoid being squished by giant falling robots.
 Yup Titanfall 2 is here, well sort of... at the beginning of August Respawn Entertainment announced they would soon be releasing a Titanfall 2 technical test on Playstation 4 and Xbox One. It fell from the digital sky on Friday the 19th of August, landing with a condensed training mode (at least it is when compared to the original training), 3 multiplayer modes, 2 maps (with a new map added the following weekend) and 2 brand new titans to play with... as well as new and improved customization options for your pilot that includes new abilities and weapons.



A brand new game mode exclusive to Titanfall 2, combining frantic gameplay with a strategic element in terms of 2 banks (at either side of the map) that only open at the end of each round. Personally this was by far my favorite new addition to the Titanfall formula and the game mode I played more often than any other during the technical test. When the game starts you begin in the dropship which has become a very familiar sight to Titanfall players new and old, dropping you off at one side of the map before identifying your targets. The location of drop pods, large metal compartments that drop from the sky, each pod contains a small number of 1 of 3 types of AI (see AI below for more details) that need to be eliminated for the round to end and the banks to open.

Each kill provides you with cash ($10 for a grunt, $20 for a spectre etc) which you accumulate through out the rounds, providing your team with a combined total in the race to $5000 and victory. As the rounds progress the threats become greater with the inclusion of Reapers (see below) and bounty Titans which drop at the end of bank period and give your team a financial boost when they are eradicated. However because both teams are after the bounty you can find that although your team has done the most damage, the opposing team gets the bounty by delivering the deathblow... adding to the tactical side of this particular game mode. Bounty Hunt is a fresh addition to Titanfall, providing the perfect balance of strategy and brute force regardless if you are on foot or stomping around in your titan. It also manages to balance being a one man (or woman) army with working as a team towards a singular goal unlike any other game mode (or game) I have played to date. However there is a couple of downsides to this otherwise excellent mode, I believe the penalty for dying is a bit too harsh, a 50% reduction in your accumulated funds (that haven't been banked) is a bit much, 30% may be fairer. Also you need to stay near the bank to deposit a large sum which does make you a sitting duck, it might have been better to allow for all the money to be transferred when you activate the banking protocol.  However that could be the point... the more money you have the harder it is to deposit giving the other team a fighting chance, maybe if they altered the amount lost when you die it would be worth risking staying at the bank longer. To be honest these are minor gripes, yes I would prefer it if they altered the amount of money lost but other than that I think Bounty Hunt was solid and will be a welcome addition to the game modes in Titanfall 2.


For anyone that has ever played Domination on Call of Duty, Amped Hardpoint will be an instantly recognisable concept but with one slight difference. The map contains 3 "hardpoints", areas that if held for a certain amount of time (which lessens with the amount of players capturing at any one time) become owned by that team. Where Titanfall differs from Call of duty is the ability to then capture the point again, this is where the amped part of Amped Hardpoint comes in. It is risky because the chances are the opposing team will already be on their way to try and capture/recapture the hardpoint but it offers an increased score output for each amped hardpoint held, so can be worth the extra effort. Granted the amount of players camping (staying in one position to pick off approaching enemies) greatly increases in this mode when compared to Bounty Hunt, but to be honest it is common place on these types of game modes and expected going in. There has been suggestions by players to add a cooling off period when a team has amped a hardpoint but that could lead to facing overwhelming odds if you are on the losing team. Imagine the other team has just captured and amped up 2 points on the map, if they know they are safe and held for a set time the last point would then be hit with everything they have almost ensuring a 3rd capture. I think this is an interesting take on a well established game mode and one which doesn't need to be altered from its current state, earning titans was an bit of an issue but Respawn have already rectified that problem. It is not a mode that I would play as much as Bounty Hunt as I prefer (and need, to help with the pain) its pace and constant momentum but Amped Hardpoint certainly has its place in Titanfall 2.


Just in case avoiding falling titans or obliterating AI isn't your thing, Respawn Entertainment have included a pilot only game mode where 16 pilots (8 each side) go head to head. I have to admit personally this game mode is by far the least appealing of the 3 that were available during the Titanfall 2 technical test but that won't be the case for everyone. There is 3 reasons why this game mode isn't for me, firstly there are more campers than the most music festivals but most of these campers carry sniper riles. Secondly I don't understand why players would buy Titanfall to get an experience that they could get from other games like Call of Duty, its the overall experience including the AI, titans and pilots combined that make the game what it is. Finally there is the personal reason (and the reason I write this blog), Titanfall is one of the most effective games I have ever played (with the possible exception of VR) in terms of helping me manage pain. The frantic pace, ever changing battlefield and threats coming from any where, at any time creates the perfect mental distraction for dealing with severe pain, unfortunately that doesn't apply to the pilot vs pilot mode.

Don't get me wrong I know some players will be thrilled that they have included a stripped back experience which only includes human players, after all it was a players suggestion that created the mode in the first place. This mode will not be for everyone, true, but I am glad its included in Titanfall 2 as it gives the player a variety of gameplay choices from 1 game, something Respawn Entertainment does very well. Going by past experiences playing Titanfall, interactions on their Facebook page and reading a fair amount of comments posted I know they do actually listen to what the players what from the game and do all they can to make it a reality. I have never know a developer in the entire time that I have been gaming that has taken on so many ideas pitched by their own customers and done so in the current game instead of adding the additions to future titles instead.


I was originally going to write about the 2 titans that were playable in the technical test, however in the time between the technical test ending and writing this article a video has been posted on the official Titanfall Facebook page. It features the 6 titans that will be in the game... so instead I will write about Ion and Scorch first (due to the fact I have actually played with them both) and then move on to the other 4 titans that have been recently revealed.

Capable of diverting power between 3 unique weapon systems, being able to manage the energy levels is the key to the devastating power of this foreboding titan. Ion is also equipped with the capacity to dash as standard allowing you to get out of danger when needed or get to a fight quicker.

Equipped with a SPLITTER RIFLE, a single fire energy weapon which can leverage the titans central energy system to fire 3 devastating shots at once.

Ion has coupled its primary weapon with 4 diverse abilities. 
ORDNANCE: Ion is equipped with LASER SHOT, a shoulder mounted laser beam which can vaporize a pilot with a single, on target shot. 
TACTICAL: The TRIP WIRE that consists of 3 explosive mines linked together with a laser trigger can be your best friend in the fight against titans, pilots and AI alike. 
DEFENSIVE: The VORTEX SHIELD absorbs incoming fire and is able to redirect it back at the enemy with deadly force. 
CORE: The LASER CORE is chest mounted beam that is capable of inflicting masses of damage with a single strike, the duration may be short but the impact on enemies can be massive. 


Scorch is the pyromaniac of the group, featuring a host of goodies, this titan can heat things up on the battlefield in all manor of ways. Making it versatile and destructive, the perfect choice for any pilot, however what it makes up in offence and defense it loses in speed and maneuverability.

The T-203 THERMITE LAUNCHER is the weapon of choice for this fire loving titan, firing a lethal projectile that sets fire to anything within range and capable of triggering incendiary traps.

This fire loving titan backs up his thermite launcher with 4 blazing abilities.
ORDNANCE: Scorch is filled with a burning desire to destroy everything is his path with the devastating FIREWALL unleashing a wall of thermite towards any unfortunate enemies in its path.
TACTICAL: The INCENDIARY TRAP deploys a canister of flammable gas, spraying a a green mist ready to be triggered using any defensive or offensive weapon/ability from this titans arsenal.  
DEFENSIVE: The THERMAL SHIELD allows Scorch to melt artillery and damage near by titans or even kill pilots that are unfortunate enough to come in contact with it when grappling in to rodeo.
CORE: Not surprisingly this titan also has a FIRE CORE, creating a giant wave of flame that is capable of turning even the most hardened titan to a smoldering pile of scorched metal . 


A precision sniper and the only airborne titan, adapt at striking from a distance or closing off escape routes using traps, leaving pilots vulnerable and titans exposed, underestimate her at your own risk. 
The PLASMA RAILGUN, a fan favourite weapon from Titanfall is now in the hands of the formidable flying titan, Northstar. Zooming in ensures not only pin point accuracy but also a charged shot which will obliterate pilots and can be devastating against even the most heavily armored titan.

Northstar blends the old with the new, backing up the railgun with 4 adaptable abilities. 
ORDNANCE: Another blast from the past comes in the form of the CLUSTER MISSILE, one of the most effective ordnance from the first Titanfall, capable of taking out small groups of AI or trapping and even killing pilots when fired through windows or doorways.
TACTICAL: Get the drop on pilots and titans alike with the VTOL (vertical takeoff) HOVER, take to the skies and take out your targets, giving Northstar the ability to be deadly and unpredictable. 
DEFENSIVE: The TETHER TRAP uses mines to lock down and damage nearby titans.
CORE: The FLIGHT CORE is a double threat, allowing Northstar rise into he sky and hover before unleashing a barrage of rockets on any enemies below.

Ronin has no problem getting its hands dirty... preferring to take the fight to the other titans through up close and personal melee combat battles, unleashing the inner samurai with its giant sword.

Marking an evolution from pilot weaponry in the form of the Eva-8 shot gun with the leadwall attachment, this titan carries the LEADWALL SHOTGUN. While still remaining a high powered, low capacity gun, it advances on its pilot weapon by adding the ability for shot to ricochet off walls.

Ronin strikes fear into the other titans with his sword and 4 sharp abilities. 
ORDNANCE: Using his sword to create an electric wave across the ground, the ARC WAVE can be used to slow, injure or kill any enemies that are unfortunate enough to be hit by it. 
TACTICAL: Taking dashing to the next level, the PHASE DASH allows Ronin to temporarily move out of our plane of existence avoiding any incoming fire and giving an element of surprise. 
DEFENSIVE: In this case the sword is mightier than... well most things, the SWORD BLOCK reduces damage from other titans or pilots and can be held indefinitely, unlike other shields.  
CORE: The SWORD CORE allows Ronin to channel his energy, empowering his blade and giving him additional melee/sword attacks and abilities. 

This powerhouse of a titan is a walking tank and has the weaponry to prove it, both dominating and deadly he uses an array of ballistic abilities, striking the perfect balance between control and defense.

This heavy duty titan doesn't like to be outgunned, which is apparent by the PREDATOR CANNON, a powerful mini-gun which makes up for its stopping power with a long spin up time.

Legion is an intimidating titan, sporting a beast of a gun and 4 killer abilities. 
ORDNANCE: The POWER SHOT knocks back nearby enemies at close range and damages everything that stands in its way when used at long range.
TACTICAL: Using MODE SWITCH, Legion can change between close and long range precision rounds giving the best of both worlds, ensuring he always has what is needed to do the job.
DEFENSIVE: Deploying a protective shield from the predator cannon allows the GUN SHIELD to help block full frontal assaults while activated.
CORE: The SMART CORE turns an already powerful weapon into an unstoppable force, allowing the predator cannon to automatically lock on to any target within range and annihilate it.  

Building on the formula established by titans from the original Titanfall, Tone is accurate, efficient and packs an explosive punch with a intriguing blend of the old in with the new.

Tone boasts an upgraded 40mm cannon from Titanfall, the 40mm TRACKER CANNON is a powerful gun which fires semi-automatic explosive rounds (acquiring partial target lock). 

This titan wants to be the biggest dog in the fight with its hand cannon and 4 evolved abilities. 
ORDNANCE: When full target lock is acquired Tone unleashes the TRACKER ROCKETS, firing missiles at any enemy it locks on to.   
TACTICAL: The SONAR LOCK reveals any enemies in the vicinity and establishes partial lock.
DEFENSIVE: Another familiar sight for any players of the original Titanfall, the PARTICALE WALL deploys a defensive barrier that she can shoot through but blocks incoming fire. 
CORE: The SALVO CORE is an upgraded titan ordnance from Titanfall, unleashing a barrage of rockets that can be guided in flight, aiming at any locked target Tone looks at.

The original Titanfall featured 2 AI combatants, Grunts and Spectres, they both made an appearance in the technical test however there did seem to be less and were dropped more frequently in Titanfall. Granted that may just have been in the Titanfall technical test and more could be added to the final game, it did make it feel slightly less like an all out war zone but there is time for that to change. In Titanfall 2 (based on the Bounty Hunt mode) the Gunts and Spectres were joined with 3 other types of AI, Stalkers (I have yet to really understand what their role is), Reapers and Bounty Titans

The Reaper (above) is an automated bot that is dropped during the later rounds in Bounty hunt, they aren't as formidable as a titan can be but don't underestimated them. The time they are at their most dangerous is when they are dropped, warp-falling on to the battlefield and capable of crushing a titan with full health on contact. You should also try and avoid getting to close to a reaper if possible as they'll take a swing at you and if you are not in a titan at the time it can easily be a knockout blow.

The maps (so far) didn't feel so much like living environments like they used to in the first Titanfall, for example I remember playing on the map Boneyard (below) and feeling completely blow away seeing this incredible living environment that felt truly alive.
This is something that doesn't normally happen with first person shooter games, some can be quite detailed but not to the point that the environment feels like it could exist and still feel just as alive without any human players and NPC (non playable characters like AI) being there at all.

This map felt the most authentic in terms of living up to the Titanfall maps that players of the first game will be very familiar with. Personally I thought this map felt like it was made for Bounty Hunt, due to the bank placement which was ideally positioned when compared to the other maps. It is also full of wallrun possibilities and other options in terms of escape routes if your declining health means you have to make a quick exit. The map consists of 2 heavily populated areas which are connected by a bridge that overlooks a large trench running across the middle of the map. All the buildings are accessible giving the opportunity to duck out of the line of fire to recover your health... if you are fortunate enough to get in without a pilot following you that is. There seems to be a real flow to this map, especially when considering it from a momentum point of view, however that does change when playing modes like Amped Hardpoint. For example you will find that B, which is located on the bridge in the centre of the map is almost impossible to capture and get away clean, assuming you can capture it in the first place, using multiple pilots to capture is highly recommended.
This is due to the amount of rooftop vantage points that can overlook that particular hardpoint, I am not saying it is a bad thing necessarily but it does mean you have to be a lot more tactical. Also when playing Pilot vs Pilot I found that Boomtown felt quite empty, especially when you have a full team that essentially just camp to rack up the kills. Don't get me wrong I am not saying it is a bad map, just that it suits some game modes more than others... the key to this map will be adapting to the environment for each style of play (score/money/kills/captures). 

This map was opened up to players during the 2nd weekend of the technical test, adding to Boomtown and Homestead which were playable from the start. I thought this was a good all round map, unlike Boomtown the way players approached the landscape didn't differ much from one game mode to the other. It consists mainly of a two layer system, providing lots of close quarters combat on the ground level, with a T shaped titan accessible trench that runs through the centre of the map.
Above this area is a large mound (which includes a cut out section in the middle) that can be accessed from 2 sides and leads out on to more open sections on either side. It is quite a condensed map but somehow never feels overly crowded with either set pieces or combatants, even with several AI running around and multiple titans on the ground at the same time.

I have always been impressed with the design of Respawn Entertainments maps, for example there was not a single map in the original Titanfall that I disliked, a remarkable achievement. Homestead is a masterclass of map design, allowing for multiple areas of combat depending on the game mode you are playing at the time. Drop zones for AI in Bounty Hunt pull players in to the 2 green areas on either side of the map while ensuring both settlements are included due to a with a bank in each one.

In Pilot vs Pilot the settlements and centre tower become the main focus for long and short range battles, a rocky overlook also becomes included as it is able to scope out all 3 areas at once. The same areas are used for Amped Hardpoint too, Homestead unlike Boomtown requires little player adjustment when changing game modes. This map is suited to using the grappling hook to get around opposed to wallrunning with minimal walls to run on and several open spaces but it doesn't effect the flow of battles. In fact it allows for titan fights on a grander scale, due to there being less obstacles in the way meaning you can spot, target and attack each other from a pretty reasonable distance.



The following is a list of weapons that are currently confirmed for Titanfall 2, I will try and add as much detail as I can to any weapon I have used personally. Weapon unlock levels and cost to buy unlocks using credits (from the technical test)The optical sight unlocks at weapon level 2 or costs 5 credits, extra ammo mod is unlocked at level 3 or costs 5 credits, the gun runner which allows you to fire while sprinting unlocks at level 4 or costs 10 credits, speedloader (faster reload) is at level 5 or 15 credits and gun ready (faster aim down sights) at level 6 or 25 credits.

R-201 Carbine - Fully automatic rifle with little recoil and high accuracy, short bursts conserve bullets and allow for the most accurate hit cluster with highest chance of a kill. The R-201 is an undated version of the R101-C Carbine, both are highly versatile assault rifles and would be a great starter weapon for any pilots new to Titanfall. The R-201 has stats of 55% damage, 90% accuracy, 65% at range and a fully automatic 80% fire rate, each magazine holds 24 bullets - increasing to 30 with the extra ammo mod. 
Hemlok BF-R - The Hemlok fires a 3 round burst, a kill takes 4 bullets at close range, 5 at a distance and 5 close/6 ranged with a suppressor (without a headshot). It has a high fire rate but suffers from an equally high recoil and has quite a delay between shots, most effective at medium to long range.
Flatline - Similar to the style and look of a Kalashnikov, the Flatline appears to be a fully automatic rifle with a 30 round magazine, very little is known about this gun currently.

C.A.R. - The C.A.R. (combat advanced round) fires a more powerful round providing greater damage and accuracy at range, with a lower fire rate and reduced ammo count (when compared to the R-97), the C.A.R. is still a highly effective gun. A highly effective rush weapon allowing you to engage pilots while sprinting and wallrunning keeping you from being an easy target while taking down your the enemy pilot. Another option with the C.A.R. is to focus on getting kills on AI minions, ensuring your titan build time is quicker and then use your titan to go after pilots, either way this weapon gives you plenty of options in terms of lethality. The C.A.R. has stats of 40% damage, 85% accuracy, 40% at range and a fully automatic 70% fire rate, each magazine holds 30 bullets - increasing to 36 with the extra ammo mod. 
Alternator - An ideal close to medium range anti-personal twin barrel, with stats of: 75% damage, 50% accuracy, 40% at range and a fully automatic 60% fire rate, each magazine holds 20 bullets. 
R-97 Compact SMG - R-97 is a compact SMG with low damage but excels at close quarters combat due to its extremely high rate of fire, firing in short burst especially when engaging enemies at mid to long range. To get the most out of this SMG, equip the HCOG (which offers faster target acquisition) as soon as it is unlocked (or purchase with credits) with the gun runner and speed loader mods while keeping momentum high and movement erratic to avoid being hit by ranged weapons. 
Volt -  All I know about the Volt at this moment in time is it is a energy based sub machine gun.  


Spitfire - Unlike some guns mentioned above, the Spitfire works best when using a sustained fire (keeping the trigger held) opposed to using the short burst firing technique due to heavy recoil when first fired. The recoil reduces by 15% every 1/9 of a second, or every shot until you reach minimum recoil in 15 shots but makes up for it with extremely high damage (firing a 7.62mm) caliber round and a large magazine. The Spitfire has stats of : 50% damage, 39% accuracy, 75% at range and a fully automatic 47% fire rate, each magazine holds 80 bullets - increasing to 88 with the extra ammo mod. 
L-Star - A rapid fire energy based LMG, ideal at mid ranged engagements, firing up to a maximum 35 rounds and reloads using a cooling down process which initiates as soon as the trigger is released. The L-star has stats of : 45% damage, 34% accuracy, 75% at range and a fully automatic 47% fire rate, the built in (unchangeable) magazine can fire a total of 35 rounds before completely overheating - as far as I know you can't add extra ammo to this gun with a mod, but I could be wrong.
Mozambique - Very little is known about this weapon, there is a single image of the Mozambique (shown below), appearing to be a energy beam weapon which can kill on contact (most likely a time based system, for example if the beam touches an enemy for 3 seconds it will result in a kill).

Kraber-AP Sniper - A bolt action sniper rifle with side mounted magazine filled with 5 (6 with extra ammo mod) 14.5x114mm rounds able of killing any infantry with a single shot. Focus on pilots rather than AI, being aware that moving pilots can be a tricky target using the Kraber-AP, this is due to the travel time between shot and impact however hitting any body part will count as a kill. The Kraber has stats of : 100% damage, 60% accuracy, 100% at range and a single shot 15% fire rate, each magazine holds 4 bullets - increasing to 5 with the extra ammo mod (1 less than the first Titanfall). 
D-2 Double Take - A twin barrel masksman rifle which holds 16 rounds, a total of 8 shots in a magazine due to using 2 bullets with every trigger pull. Capable of achieving 1 shot 1 kill and being able to fire through multiple targets, making this is a highly effective semi automatic sniper rifle, however travel time and loss of height over distance needs to be considered when judging a shot. 

Mastiff - This energy shotgun is easy to use but hard to master, the Mastiff has some great features like low falloff, high range and high damage with a completely flat spread. On the other hand it has a slight but noticeable travel time, meaning it is possible to miss a shot even at close range through not accounting for this. With only a 4 shot magazine, slight delay between shots and high recoil its not without its drawbacks but worth sticking with it. When reloading from an empty magazine the pilot places one shell at a time into the ejection port, it is slightly longer than reloading via the loading gate but stops it being fired till fully loaded so make sure cover is nearby when your last shot is fired. The Mastiff has stats of : 80% damage, 89% accuracy, 20% at range and a single shot 15% fire rate, each magazine holds 4 bullets - may increase to 5 with the extra ammo mod but can't confirm this.

Eva-8 Shotgun - This 8 shot shotgun has a pretty decent range and despite a restricted fire rate it is easily able to kill pilots and grunts with a single shot. The slower rate of fire for follow up shots means it is best not to fire till you are pretty sure you can achieve a single shot kill, where possible, if not use momentum to reposition yourself between shots. In up close engagements the Eva-8 is a devastating weapon but can be a bit of a liability in mid range and will definitely get you killed if you try and take someone out at long range... so be warned.


EPG-1 - An advanced launcher with high recoil, firing slow moving plasma grenades with high splash damage and very low observable drop when firing at a distance. The EPG-1 has stats of : 83% damage, 100% accuracy, 100% at range and a single shot 17% fire rate, holding 5 rounds per mag. 
Softball Currently all I can tell you is it is described as being effective against both pilots and titans.


MK5 Smart Pistol - The Mk5 is an automatic lock on weapon which targets the head and chest of enemies, acquiring a lock on with 3 locked on markers on pilots, 2 on spectres and only 1 on grunts.
A lot of players think of this weapon is just for noobs (players that are new to this game or this style of game) but I completely disagree for several reasons. Video games are played by older and younger players, physically able and disabled and like me people that live with pain and have to limit physical activities restricting social activities. This particular gun is really an asset for anyone with shaking hands (or spasms) like I have and I would recommended it to anyone using a single handed controller or a controller which has been specifically adapted for anyone with a seriously restrictive disability. The smart pistol removes the need to aim (unless you are aiming down sights and then it is like any other sidearm) however it doesn't mean its removes the need for tactics, granted if you get behind a player it is easier to take them out but how does that differ from any other weapon? When you are approaching a pilot face on with the MK5, the key is to keep moving but retain your line of sight, otherwise you lose the lock on level obtained up until that point and you will have to start again.

Frag Grenade - A small explosion that triggers after a short delay when thrown.
Arc Grenade - An electrostatic thrown projectile that stuns pilots and blinds titans for a short period.
Electric Smoke Grenade - Like the titan defense system this grenade blankets a small area with electric smoke allowing you to kill AI and damage, possibility even kill pilots hit by it.
Gravity Star Grenade - The gravity star pulls in any enemies (and projectiles) within its impact radius before exploding releasing any pilots that are still alive (adding a small amount of damage). This grenade can be used tactically, either ensuring your target remains still while you fill them off with lead or plasma fire, or you can use it to stop pilots firing while taking the opportunity to reload.

Grapple - The grapple is a very adaptive tactical ability that allows you to reach inaccessible areas, pull pilots towards you (to shoot or melee) and give you a speed boost when in use.
Holo Pilot - Providing the perfect distraction the holographic pilot mimics your last move.
Pulse Blade - Like any other thrown knife the pulse blade will be lethal if you manage a direct hit, plus it also creates a brief sonar pulse that detecting and highlighting nearby enemies. 
Cloak - Becoming nearly invisible you gain tactical advantages like reduced viability by titans.
Stim - Providing increased speed and boosts your healths recovery time when injured while in use.



Power Cell - You will get your chosen tactical ability quicker by equipping this kit.
Fast Regen - Equipping this kit starts the health regeneration process earlier (can be used with stim)
Phase Embark - This kit is very helpful if you die before your titan hits the ground, it quickly teleports you directly into your titan, avoiding any possible dangers along the way.


Kill Report  - The locations of where enemies die come up on your map, this might be worth checking out as some pilots may try to return to their last location for a rematch.
Wall Hang - This kit allows you to stop and hang while wall running simply by aiming.
Hover - A particularly helpful kit, allowing you to hover in the air where you are by aiming down the sight, also you can use it to injure/kill an AI or a pilot before dropping into your titan below.

As an avid player of Titanfall I expected a lot from Titanfall 2... and aside from some minor issues regarding things like wall run speed and titan build time (which was resolved before the technical test was over) I really wasn't disappointed. There was some small issues which I would like addressed... but nothing that would spoil the game for me if they were left as they were in the pre-alpha For example, in Titanfall (as I have touched on already) there appeared to be a much larger AI presence. This helped make the battlefields feel more like a war zone and could distract from incoming human players meaning you always had to be aware of your surroundings. 

A new addition to Titanfall 2 is titan batteries, while I like the idea to an extent I think this feels like a step down in terms of titan design and would have be quickly dismissed as obsolete in the eyes of those working at Hammond Robotics. 

What I would suggest instead is the battery stores core abilities, meaning that by getting a pilot to pull out and drain the core via the battery that titan would find its core meter reset to zero. Not by removing it, but rather by pulling it out so they can drain the power into something the pilot has on them. Then the next friendly titan you rodeo (or enter if it is your titan) is given either get a core boost or instant core function if full when initially drained. I would also like to see some form of choice when you rodeo a titan, allowing you to pull out the core/battery or fire directly into the head of the titan (or both) to damage and try to get a kill. The reason being is it felt more satisfying first time round and also as it stands in Titanfall 2 by the time you get a heads up that an enemy pilot is on board and leave your titan, they have either disembarked or the damage is already done. Plus the original rodeo attack method could be built on, so that friendly pilots can grapple or jump on and have some kind of pilot fight mini game deciding which pilot dies and which one remains on board. 

For the first time in Titanfall history you are now being given the chance to stand out from the crowd by impacting the look of not just your pilot, but your titan and weaponry too. Choosing from multiple patterns and designs (as you unlock them) to either blend in more with the environment or stand out from it, Titanfall 2 offers many visual customization options, as well as callsigns and callsign patches. The only thing missing (as far as I am aware but you never know they may include it) is some kind of design studio, allowing you to create your own graphics for use on your own pilot or titan and to share with the community if you wish to. 

This is just some customization options for Titanfall 2, as featured in a recent video from Respawn Entertainment (like callsigns and patches), click the link below to check it out -

In terms of pain management Titanfall was among one of the best games for distracting the brain from pain signals, providing the immersive experience required to enable a pretty decent reduction in pain after only just a few minutes of playing (usually between 5 and 8 minutes was ideal). On the whole Titanfall 2 is shaping up to be as effective but be aware if you dealing with pain and wish to play this to help with your pain management try and stick to the fast paced and more frantic game modes rather than things like Amped Hardpoint and Pilot vs Pilot for the best results. 

That is it for the Pain and Game Titanfall 2 preview, thanks for reading I will now grapple my way onto the nearest dropship and impatiently wait for the 28th of October. When I will definitely be hopping back into my titan, dusting off my favourite pain of trainers and get ready to do it all over again. 

In the meantime if you would like to find out any more about Titanfall 2, head over to their website - - or Facebook page - - for all the latest information and videos direct from the pilots at Respawn Entertainment. 

As always feel free to leave comments on the blog or our social media pages and let me know what you thought to the Titanfall 2 technical test and what you are most looking forward to from the finished game. 

Rosco Fraser

Pain and Game

P.S. If you would like to read my review of the first Titanfall, map packs 1 and 2 plus details about added modes, click here -

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